A strictly not for profit community initiative dedicated to the systematic recording and archiving of life on Achill Island, Co Mayo Ireland as told by the people of Achill past and present.
Tom Johnston, Retired Teacher
Tom Johnston is a retired school teacher and an Achill community champion living in Cloghmore, Achill Island.
Part 1: Childhood in Achill (0.28); Impact of Emigration (1.38); The Seasons In Achill (3.07); Switching On Electricity in Achill 1952 (4.48); Evenings in Achill (5.45); Turf Saving (7.58); Ashleam Bay (08.57); St Stephen’s Day, Lá na Dreoilín (09.28); Achill Sound (09.10); Television, Cars and Internet (11.06); Slean, Hay and Turf (11.52); Sport (12.40); Second Level Education (13.07); Seasonal Migration Work - Scotland (13.33); Achill as Place (14.53); Seasonal Migration (15.30).
Part 2: Achill, Donegal and Scotland (01.0); Cleveland (1.26); Second Level Education (3.42); Decline of Pupils (04.35); Career as Teacher (04.50); Drama and Plays (08.15); Gaelic Athletic Association GAA (13.55).
Part 3: Importance of Local History (01.0); Unconsecrated Graves (09.30); CD Achill Place Names (15.00).

Portrait of Tom Johnston 9th May 2022. Ashleam, Achill Island.
Photo Credit: Kate Mount. Copyright Kate Mount 2022