A strictly not for profit community initiative dedicated to the systematic recording and archiving of life on Achill Island, Co Mayo Ireland as told by the people of Achill past and present.

We work in close partnership with the Achill people in developing oral history skills. We'll be providing training workshops on: preparing for an interview; interviewing skills; equipment; transcription; digital archiving; analysing; research ethics and integrity and dissemination. Get ahead of the game by looking at our growing toolkit section
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Martin Dennis Lavelle (front centre) and family back in Ashleam August 2023. With Dr Angela Maye-Banbury, Oral Historian (back row far right).
Copyright Dr Angela Maye-Banbury
Your Story.Your Way.
We'd love to document as many stories of Achill residents as possible. Oral history reminds us of the importance of listening to others. As you describe your own memories of Achill life, you are given the space to recall your memories freely and without interviewer interruption. Each interview is different and unique to that individual person. Your story told your way - and that's what makes oral history so special. You are therefore able to recall whatever comes into your mind when that thought arises.
To support you in recounting your memories of Achill, your interviewer may ask you about your first memories of life on the island, what sort of housing you live in, home and family life, the kind of employment there is on the island, opportunities for leisure pursuits and what you think has changed on Achill over time. Each interview is recorded then transcribed to preserve your memories.
Most oral history interviews last between 1 - 2 hours but this really depends on you and how much time you have for the interview. Follow up interviews can also be arranged - it's astonishing how quickly time goes when you're telling your own personal story! Often people are interviewed twice even three times and more so the richness of their experiences are documented.
You choose the location of the interview. You might prefer to come to our base at Ashleam School at a pre-arranged time. But if this does not suit, you might prefer to be interviewed at home, in the Achill Sound library , in local cafe or pub. The choice of interview location is entirely yours.. To ensure a quality audio recording, we do ask that the venue chosen for the interview is quiet with minimal ambient noise. Remote are also possible using Zoom but special guidance is needed for interviewees to safegaurd sound quality e.g. wearing a headset with a quality microphone.
How long does an oral history interview last?
What questions will I be asked?
Where will the interview be held?
Become one of our community oral historians
Help of save the stories of the Achill people by becoming one of our Community Oral Historians. You will be trained and mentored in the oral history method. You choose the level of commitment and we will support and mentor you all the way.
You will be joining our growing number of Community Oral Historians dedicated to preserving the stories of the Achill people. You'll connect with new and old friends, learn new skills along the way and be part of highly supportive community of practice in Achill. You will also be able to access our special Achill Community Oral Historians Exchange Portal designed exclusively for Achill's Community Oral Historians.
For further information, contact Dr Angela Maye-Banbury info@achilloralhistories.com
See how oral history is used to celebrate memories. Check out "Another Tale to Tell": produced by the Emerald Centre in Leicester based on the oral histories of the Irish community in Leicester.
A link to our most recent financial accounts may be found here.