A strictly not for profit community initiative dedicated to the systematic recording and archiving of life on Achill Island, Co Mayo Ireland as told by the people of Achill past and present.
René Böll, Artist
René Böll is an artist living in Cologne, Germany. René is the son of Nobel prize winner for literature Heinrich Boll. The Böll family first visited Achill in the mid 1950s. and have retained a close relationship with Achill and its people notably through the work of Achill Heinrich Böll Foundation. René Böll's paintings and photographs shed light on Achill's cilliní, the unmarked graves of children and others who were buried in uconsecrated ground on the island.
00.00 First memory of Achill ; 0.36 Where the Böll family stayed in Achill And everyday life 0.378 René Böll Talks About His Experiences In Achill Inspired His art work Featuring the cillíní; 06.15 René Böll Talks About His Experiences In Achill Inspired His Art Work Featuring the Cillíní; 13.45 René Böll talks about the work of the Heinrich Böll Foundation; 16.39 On how Achill has changed over the years
To read the transcript of René Böll's interview, click here.
All images used with the kind permission of Samay Böll and are copyright © Samay Böll. Portrait of René Böll by Jonah Böll.
Intro and outro music which accompanies René Böll performed by IIse de Ziah Amhrán na Leabhar (Song Of The Books). Music used here with the kind permission of IIsle de Ziah.